Law, Food, & Vegas

David Cassuto (x-post from Animal Blawg) Alas, blogging has paid a heavy price for what has been and continues to be a very busy semester.  But it’s been busy in a good way.  To wit, I am recently returned from both Las Vegas and Rio.  I’ll discuss Rio in my next post...

Uncooperative federalism?

by Karl Coplan The principle environmental regulatory programs in the United States work on a principle of cooperative federalism. Congress passes a regulatory statute such as the Clean Water Act; EPA adopts detailed regulations setting standards and implementing the...

Assessing the Vulnerabilities at Indian Point

by Richard Ottinger The recent nuclear catastrophe in Japan has focused intense (and well-deserved) scrutiny on the radioactive gorilla in our own backyard, the “safe/secure/vital” (as described by operator Entergy) Indian Point (nuclear) Energy Center in Buchanan,...